2 min read
Payment links can have a variety of restrictions set on such as:
- Receiver
- Timeframe
- Redemptions (indirect via coupons)
Payment links can be associated with specific customers through the setting of either of these fields:
- customer_email - any valid email address
- customer - any id of a Customer within your connected Stripe account
customer_email can be set via:
- the link builder UI
- query string param
Heres an example setting the customer_email
customer can be set via query string param.
Note: if the customer param is used but no customer can be found for the id value passed, then the link will show an error
An expiration can be set on a payment link if you want to restrict its usage after a certain time.
An expiration can also be set indirectly on a payment link, through the usage of a coupon which has an expiration set.
A link which has an expiration based coupon attached, will only be valid up until that coupon has expired.
A redemption limit can be set on a payment link, indirectly, through the usage of a coupon which has a redemption limit.
If you create and set a unique coupon on a payment link, and set a redemption limit on it, then the link will only be valid up until the coupons redemption limit has been reached.